(Program updated as of 1 January 2018)
The purpose of the Jewel of El Katif Shrine (Jewel) is to provide a means of recognizing and rewarding those Nobles for their continuing support of El Katif Shrine and the Shriners Hospital for Children.
The goal of the point system is to recognize the hard work and dedication of those Nobles that volunteer their time, resources and services in support of El Katif Shrine and the Shriners Hospital for Children.
Points are awarded to encourage membership activity in the fraternity and will credit those Nobles who participate in support of the Temple and the Hospitals. The Noble accumulating points up to and beyond 500 will be eligible for the Jewel of El Katif.
Rules, Requirements, and Point System:
The Jewel is awarded to Nobles earning the necessary points (excluding Governing Board of Directors)
A minimum of 500 points is required to receive the Jewel of El Katif.
Points are accumulated from year to year until the Noble has reached the required 500 points to qualify for the Jewel. Points “do not expire annually” they accumulate. Accumulated points may not be taken away unless the Noble loses his membership in the Shrine for reasons other than non-payment of dues.
For the second and each successive accumulative 500 points, a “Star” device will be attached to the ribbon of the Jewel or the Jewel of Honor Collar. No Star will be given, attached or otherwise worn on the Gold and Silver Collar. A maximum of 8 Star devices awarded for the Jewel of El Katif.
The Club/Unit Secretary or Event/Project Chairman (if not a Club/Unit activity) is responsible for providing sign-in sheets for attending nobles. The sheet is to include the Nobles Name and Member Number for attendance/participation during the event. Nobles are to sign-in at the event/function. All sign-in sheets are then considered official records and must be preserved. The collected point data is than transferred to the Temple Recorder Form and forwarded to the Club/Unit President for verification and than Emailed/submitted to the Temple Recorder no later then the first day of each month. The Temple Recorder is the keeper of the master points record.
Monthly point submissions to the Temple Recorder via email and/or hardcopy reports are the only valid forms of submission. If the report is emailed the sending Club/Unit President or Event/Project Chairman may use their emails’ digital signature as validation.
An updated monthly “points earned” Master Record Document will be available for review at each stated meeting{At sign-in table}. The potentate will personally recognize each Noble that achieves the required 500 points.
There will be a Jewel of El Katif plaque displayed in the offices of El Katif, listing the names of those Nobles who achieved and awarded the Jewel.
The Potentate may award special points to a Noble for outstanding service, not to exceed 25 points per Noble per year. A Potentate shall not award more than 100 special points in any calendar year. Points earned by one Noble cannot be transferred to any other Noble.
Temple Units and Clubs may obtain Gold Status by making donations to the El Katif Building Fund, the Shrine Hospital or the patient Transportation Fund of $1K; the club or unit shall be awarded 50 points for the donation. The officers of the club or unit will, in turn, assign the 50 points to one or more members, in no less that 5 point increments per Noble.
Jewel categories:
Jewel of El Katif – 500 points
Jewel of Honor – 5,000 points
Jewel Star Device – awarded at 1,000 / 1,500 / 2,000 / 2,500 / 3,000 / 3,500 / 4,000 4,500 points.
Silver Jewel – an additional 17,500 points or 35 stars above the Jewel of Honor
Gold Jewel – an additional 17,500 points or 35 stars above the Silver Jewel
** The Jewel Program is meant to be adaptable to the future needs and activities of the Nobility; and is therefore amendable by a majority vote of the El Katif Divan.
** All Rules and Points are effective as of 1 Jan 2018; any updates herein supersede the previous Jewel program established and or outlined in the
22 September 2000, El Katif Shrine, Jewel Program.
** Neither travel time nor mileages are valid justification for awarding Jewel Points.
Jewel Points: (It is the ultimate responsibility for each Noble to sign-in at the event/function!)